Spanish You Need to Know When Traveling

60+ Really Useful Spanish Phrases for Conversation and Travel

Planning a trip to a Castilian-speaking state? Or prepping for a Spanish conversation on Skype? So y'all need to get some unproblematic, really useful Spanish phrases nether your chugalug!

There are tons of benefits in learning to speak the local language when y'all travel, even if you merely learn a few phrases. People really capeesh it when yous speak to them in their ain linguistic communication, and there's a good hazard you'll brand memories yous can treasure for life.

I started out learning Peninsular Castilian (mainland Espana), but through my travels I've grown accustomed to various dialects of Spanish. It e'er made these adventures much more enjoyable.

By learning a few basic Castilian phrases for travel, you can create lasting friendships all over the world. Making friends, enjoying the civilization, and learning most the best spots only locals know – that's the real dream of travelling, isn't it?

So let's get you lot prepared!

Tabular array of contents

  • Basic Castilian Vocabulary for Travel
  • How to Say "Howdy!" in Spanish
    • "Good Morning" in Castilian
    • "Nice to Meet Y'all" in Spanish
    • "My Name is…" in Spanish
    • "What'southward Your Proper noun?" in Spanish
    • "Take a Good Day" in Castilian
    • "See You Soon" in Spanish
    • "Goodbye" in Spanish
  • Existence Polite in Castilian as You Travel
    • "Please" in Spanish
    • "Cheers" in Spanish
    • "Yous're Welcome" in Spanish
    • "Alibi Me" in Spanish
    • "I'm Sorry" in Spanish
  • Chit Conversation Phrases in Castilian
    • "How Are You?" in Castilian
    • "What'southward Up?" in Spanish
    • "What Are Your Hobbies?" in Spanish
    • "I Like…" and "I Don't Like…" in Spanish
    • "Where Are You From?" in Spanish
  • Talking About the Weather in Spanish
  • Out on the Town & Getting Around: Fundamental Castilian Phrases for Tourists
    • "I Would Like…" in Spanish
    • "Can I Encounter a Menu, Delight?" in Spanish
    • "Check/Bill, Please" in Spanish
    • "Thank you" in Spanish
    • "How Much Does it Cost?" in Spanish
    • "Do Y'all Take…" in Spanish
    • "I Need…" in Spanish
    • "I Want…" and "I Don't Want…" in Castilian
    • "Where is…" in Spanish
    • Management Words in Spanish
    • "What Time Is It?" in Spanish
    • "What Is This?" in Castilian
  • Ask the Important Questions
    • The 5 Westward's in Castilian
    • "How" in Spanish
    • "Can You Aid Me?" in Castilian
    • "Can You Say That Again?" in Spanish
  • The 5 Best Words and Phrases to Know When Traveling to a Spanish Speaking Land
  • Speak. Experience. Savour. Apply the Spanish Travel Phrases You Know!

Basic Spanish Vocabulary for Travel

Before we jump onto the Spanish phrases you will demand to use in your travels, you might desire to larn a couple of basic Castilian words related to travel.

"Travel" in Castilian isviaje, which is also used for "trip". If you lot wanted to say "road trip", for case, you lot could sayviaje orviaje de carretera.

The verb "to travel" isviajar. Luckily, it'south one of the regular Castilian verbs, meaning that its conjugation follows the pattern of other verbs ending in-ar. (You can read this mail service on basic Spanish conjugation if you lot desire to learn how to conjugateviajar.)

Now you're set up to observe 60+ more Spanish phrases for travel.

How to Say "Hello!" in Spanish

Of course, you tin can't offset a conversation without knowing some Castilian greetings. Then here are some common Spanish phrases to get started.

This is the nigh common greeting ishola. You can apply this one at any time of day, and it always sounds natural.

You tin as well try the following:

"Good Morning" in Castilian

To greet someone in the morning (la mañana), you saybuenos días. During the afternoon (la tarde), y'all can switch tobuenas tardes ("good afternoon"), which is also in the plural course.

Related Learning: Hello in Spanish: "¡Hola!" and 70+ More Spanish Greetings for All Occasions

"Overnice to Run into You" in Castilian

When you're introduced to someone, yous can saymucho gusto. It translates equally "pleasure", similar "It's a pleasure". Just that's a bit formal in English, so a more accurate translation would be "Nice to encounter you". In extra formal situations, you can sayun placer.

"My Name is…" in Spanish

When you introduce yourself, you can first by sayingMe llamo _____. My favourite conversation starter isHola, soy Benny ("Hi, I'm Benny"). This version is a more than conversational way to say your name, justme llamo is more straightforward.

"What's Your Proper noun?" in Castilian

Once you lot've introduced yourself, you should ask what the other person's name is (if they don't beat you to it). To ask someone else's name, you say¿Cómo te llamas?

"Have a Skillful Day" in Spanish

Say adieu past saying¡Tenga united nations buen día! to wish someone well with the rest of their 24-hour interval. If information technology's someone you're close to, you can say it more casually:que tengas un buen dia.

"See You Before long" in Castilian

If you've made plans to run into with someone once more, throw in a friendlier phrase:¡Hasta luego!

"Cheerio" in Spanish

You can sayadiós for "goodbye", orcuídate to say "take intendance".

Related Learning: 65+ Means to Say "Goodbye" in Spanish

Beingness Polite in Spanish as You lot Travel

Naturally, you want to make sure you can limited yourself in a polite fashion so you don't offend anyone. So memorize these of import phrases to mind your manners.

"Please" in Spanish

When asking for something, make certain to includepor favor to say "delight". It normally gets added on at the end of a sentence, much like in English.

"Thank Yous" in Castilian

Make certain to always say thank you! Y'all can saygracias, ormuchas gracias if y'all want to say "thank you very much".

"You lot're Welcome" in Castilian

If someone says cheers, you lot can respond withde nada which ways "you're welcome" or "no problem". You could also usemucho gusto here to say "it was my pleasance".

"Alibi Me" in Castilian

In that location are a few principal ways to say this in Spanish, depending on how y'all use information technology. If you demand a favour, you sayperdone. And if you demand to get by someone, you would sayperdón,disculpe orcon permiso (this is a bit more polite, like "pardon me").

"I'm Lamentable" in Spanish

Related Learning: ¡Lo Siento! and 25 More Means to Say "Lamentable" in Spanish

If you did something wrong or need to apologise for something, saylo siento. As in English, y'all tin can also usedisculpe ("excuse me") for an amends in some situations.

Chit Conversation Phrases in Spanish

At present it's time to start diving into useful Spanish phrases for conversation!

I'm roofing some light minor talk to get you going, just brand sure to cheque out my Spanish conversation starters to get into deeper discussions.

"How Are You?" in Castilian

There are several means to inquire how someone is doing, but the most mutual and direct translation is¿Cómo estás? or¿Cómo está usted? (which is more polite). If someone asks y'all this question, you lot can respondbien for "I'grand well" orasí así for "so-then". Follow with¿Y tú? ("And y'all?") to keep the conversation going.

"What'due south Up?" in Castilian

For a more coincidental greeting, y'all can employ the expression¿Qué tal? Y'all'll hear this one quite a bit, as it'due south more than natural in everyday conversation – like "what'due south up" or "how's information technology going?" When someone says this to you, you can answer the same way as above:bien (ormuy bien, pregnant "very well").

"What Are Your Hobbies?" in Spanish

Start getting to know others past asking what they like to do in their spare time. You lot tin ask¿Cuáles son tus aficiones? for "What are your hobbies?"Un hobby andunited nations pasatiempo are other mutual ways to say "hobby". You tin also ask¿Qué haces para divertirte? which means "What do you like to do for fun?"

"I Like…" and "I Don't Like…" in Spanish

Yous asked them nearly their interests, and now they've asked you. And then how do you express what y'all like? You sayme gusta ("I like") orno me gusta ("I don't similar"). For instance,me gusta viajar ("I like to travel") orNo me gusta la pizza ("I don't like pizza"). Just kidding with that last ane – who doesn't like pizza?

"Where Are You From?" in Spanish

Another small talk question that helps to go along the chit-conversation going. Y'all tin ask someone where they're from by saying¿De dónde eres?

Talking Nearly the Weather in Spanish

Weather talk isn't exactly what you would retrieve of when learning Spanish phrases for travel. Nonetheless, it'southward ever handy to know a few words or phrases nigh the atmospheric condition, every bit information technology'south universal modest talk.

The word for "weather condition" isel clima orel tiempo, and you can say things similar¡Buen clima hoy! ("Nice weather today!"). Or, the opposite:El mal tiempo hoy, eh ("Bad conditions today, huh").

Other phrases you can use arehace calor hoy ("It's hot today") andhace frío hoy ("It'south cold today").

Related Learning: Talking Nearly the Weather in Spanish: 77 Castilian Atmospheric condition Words (and Phrases) that are Skillful to Know

Out on the Town & Getting Around: Fundamental Spanish Phrases for Tourists

When yous're travelling, it helps to know how to express yourself when you're out to eat, shopping, or trying to find your way effectually!

"I Would Similar…" in Spanish

If you desire to ask for something, useme gustaría… equally the basic Castilian stem to get started. A few common things you might ask for: food, drinks, or to buy something.

If you want to ask for something to eat, sayme gustaría comer… For something to potable, yous sayme gustaría beber… And to say what you would like to buy, you lot sayme gustaría comprar…

Add the word for what you're trying to go at the end, likeMe gustaría comprar united nations periódico ("I would similar to buy a newspaper").

To make it even easier, yous could always point to what you want and sayesto for "this." So in that last case, you could manus the cashier the newspaper you want to purchase and sayMe gustaría comprar esto ("I'd like to buy this").

If you're out to eat and trying to figure out what you want to inquire for, you can commencement enquire to see the menu.Un menú, por favor ("A menu, delight") will do the trick.

Related Learning: Spanish Food Vocabulary: A Guide to Castilian Cuisine and Spanish Eating Civilisation — with Lots of Spanish Vocab

"Bank check/Nib, Delight" in Castilian

When you're finished with your meal, you lot'll need to ask for the check/bill. Yous can enquire for it by sayingLa cuenta, por favor.

"Cheers" in Spanish

Of course, you lot need to know how to toast at happy hour! Whenever y'all come across with someone over drinks, say¡Salud! for "Thanks!"

"How Much Does it Cost?" in Castilian

When you're out shopping, y'all'll probable desire to know how much everything is. To enquire the price, say¿Cuánto cuesta eso? which is "How much does it cost?"

"Do You Have…" in Spanish

To ask if someone has something you demand, you can say¿Tienes…? followed by the word for what you lot need. Are you at the hotel and in need of toiletries, like toilet paper? Ask the receptionist¿Tienes papel higiénico?

"I Need…" in Spanish

Or, you could say "I need" to express what you're looking for. You saynecesito… and so any discussion you need. Similar in the last case, you lot could sayNecesito papel higiénico ("I demand toilet paper").

"I Want…" and "I Don't Want…" in Spanish

If you remember those old Taco Bell commercials with the fiddling Chihuahua, yous probably already know this one:Yo quiero Taco Bell. Any time y'all want something, y'all can sayyo quiero and any time yous don't want something, y'all sayyo no quiero.

"Where is…" in Castilian

When you're travelling, it'due south easy to get a bit lost or unsure of where things are located. You tin utilize the phrase¿Dónde está…? to enquire for directions or where something is. Some basic Spanish sentences that may exist helpful:

  • ¿Dónde puedo encontrar un taxi? ("Where can I find a taxi?")
  • ¿Dónde hay united nations banco? ("Where is a banking concern?")
  • ¿Dónde está ____ hotel? ("Where is (your hotel'southward name) hotel?" )
  • ¿Dónde está el baño? ("Where is the bathroom?")

Direction Words in Spanish

If you're going to ask where something is located, it's helpful to know the words to understand the answer. Here are some basic direction words yous should know:

  • Izquierda ("Left")
  • Derecha ("Right")
  • Siga recto ("Go straight ahead")
  • Gire ("Turn")
  • Aquí ("Here")
  • Allí ("There")
  • Adelante ("Upwardly alee")
  • Deténgase aquí ("Stop hither")

"What Time Is It?" in Spanish

Don't accept a watch? Ask someone for the fourth dimension by proverb¿Qué hora tienes? You can also ask more casually with¿Qué hora es?

"What Is This?" in Castilian

One of the most useful basic Castilian phrases you lot tin can know when learning the linguistic communication:¿Qué es esto?

Someday you don't know the word for something, you tin can inquire by saying "What is this?" Then you can continue expanding your Castilian vocab!

Enquire the Of import Questions

To really find your manner around or continue a conversation, you need to know how to ask questions. From asking virtually a person to trying to understand what someone is maxim, these words are crucial to advice, learning, and building your Spanish sentences.

The 5 W's in Castilian

Who, what, when, where, why. If you know these words, y'all can get the answers y'all demand.

  • ¿Quién…? ("Who")
  • ¿Qué…? ("What")
  • ¿Cuándo…? ("When?")
  • ¿Dónde…? ("Where?")
  • ¿Por qué…? ("Why?")

"How" in Spanish

To enquire "how," you say¿Cómo…? And to ask how many, yous enquire¿Cuántos? Plus, if you demand to know which things, you lot can enquire¿Cuál? ways "Which?"

"Can You Assistance Me?" in Spanish

If you're in need of help while out, you tin ask¿Puede ayudarme? This is a good ane to remember, too, because if you're lost or you're shopping and take a question, yous can get their attention withDisculpe. ¿Puede ayudarme?

For an emergency, shout¡Auxilio! ("Help!")

"Tin can You Say That Once more?" in Spanish

When you lot're starting out learning a linguistic communication, it'due south difficult to keep upward with native speakers sometimes. If you didn't catch what they said, you can ask¿Puede repetirlo, por favor? ("Can you say that again, please?").

If yous still tin can't empathize, try asking them to say it slowly by asking¿Puedes hablar más despacio? ("Can yous speak more slowly?")

If all else fails, you can ask¿Hablas inglés? ("Practice y'all speak English?") Although, I believe the smartest determination you tin make to gain fluency is to aim for full immersion and avoid English when possible.

The 5 All-time Words and Phrases to Know When Traveling to a Spanish Speaking State

If you're already on a plane towards Cancún or Barcelona, you lot might not have the time to acquire 60+ Spanish Phrases for travel.

Assuming that you know the basics (hola,adiós,,no,por favor,gracias), these are the five phrases I would recommend you lot learn before landing:

  1. ¿Cuánto cuesta? – "How much is information technology?"
  2. ¿Puede hablar más despacio? – "Tin you lot speak more than slowly?"
  3. _¿Dónde está ___? – "Where is _____?"
  4. ¿Puede ayudarme? – "Tin you help me?"
  5. Me gustaría ______ – "I would like ______"

Speak. Feel. Enjoy. Apply the Spanish Travel Phrases Y'all Know!

Now you're ready for your travels and prepared to start having some basic Spanish conversations! The locals will appreciate your efforts, and you lot'll accept a more than meaningful cultural experience.

If you need help with your pronunciation, bank check out this online pronunciation dictionary called Forvo. And if you lot'd like more than prep leading up to your travels (or for deeper studying!), check out my tips for Spanish home immersion.

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Benny Lewis

Founder, Fluent in 3 Months

Fun-loving Irish guy, total-fourth dimension globe trotter and international bestselling author. Benny believes the best approach to language learning is to speak from twenty-four hours one.

Speaks: Castilian, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Esperanto, Mandarin Chinese, American Sign Language, Dutch, Irish

View all posts past Benny Lewis

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